In 2023, we embarked on a transformative journey aimed at empowering the accounting and finance community with a comprehensive set of skills, insights, knowledge, resources, and networking opportunities. The result was the 2023 Future CFO Roadshow, which paved the way for a new era of financial excellence, drawing over 700 attendees across 5 cities.
Now, we are poised to reimagine innovation and leadership for accounting and finance professionals, preparing them for the pivotal and changing role of CFO with the upcoming "The 2024 Future CFO Roadshow".
The 2024 Future CFO Roadshow stands as an indispensable resource for professionals, emerging line managers, aspiring CFOs and professionals seeking to enhance their financial acumen. The event in each location will empower participants with the skills, network, and knowledge imparted by industry leaders, providing the tools necessary to achieve success in a team or leadership role.
Join us and become part of a community of like-minded professionals who share your ambition and drive. Take the initial step toward realizing your dream of becoming a future CFO.
Finance & Accounting
Emerging Line
Fresh graduates from
the accounting and finance field
Managers &
CPE: Up to 3 ICMA CPE credits
To register for the event in Cairo, please contact